Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Waterville 3rd, 4th, and middle school students have been a part of the Science From the Ground Up grant with Woodland Park Zoo and the Nature Conservancy. Science From the Ground Up involves schools in photo monitoring-taking pictures of the same place at regular intervals in order to note changes over time. Waterville students used photo monitoring to collect information on our native garden, watch plants on Badger Mountain, note how rapidly snow melted on the school grounds and track changes in vegetation at our 8 Douglas Creek Sites as well as in Pine Canyon.
This picture shows a group that did a joint presentation for the state meeting of Environmental Education Association of Washington in Wenatchee, WA. In the back are Michelle Martin (Woodland Park Zoo), Nancy Warner (IRIS), Diane Petersen (4th grade Waterville), and in the front are Drew K, Haylee N, Tyler W and Katja W all 4th grade students in Waterville.
Waterville 3rd and 4th graders participated in a videoconference sponsored by Woodland Park Zoo with other project schools in the spring of 2008. In the spring of 2009, 3rd graders did another videoconference with one high school and Woodland Park Zoo. The students ended the conference by singing their Douglas Creek song.
Examples of photo-monitoring at Douglas Creek can be found at douglascreek,blogspot.com and 3rd grade work plus student made how-to videos and class songs can be found at watervilleclassof2018.blogspot.com.

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